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UCC Services Online
Information Request (UCC11)
Information Request Instructions (UCC11)
Who Can File Here
Anyone wishing to file a UCC11 Information Request.
Search the UCC database if necessary to retrieve the required information (exact debtor name, UCC Document Numbers, etc.) prior to starting the filing wizard.
An information request can be filed and paid for online (credit/debit card or e-check required). If not paid online, a check for the appropriate filing fee must be included with the document when mailed to the Business Division for processing.
What You Can Do Here
File or prepare an information request.
service fee
is charged if filing fees are paid online by credit card, debit card or e-check.
Pursuant to T.C.A. §47-29-102 a handling charge of $30.00 or the written amount of the item, whichever is less, will be charged on returned paper checks and electronic checks.