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Business Services Online
Form or Register a new Business
Business Type
Form or Register a New Business
Please select the type of business entity that you would like to form or register, and check that you understand the online filing system statement.
Online Business Registration:
Business Entity Type:
(select one)
Limited Liability Company
For-profit Corporation
Nonprofit Corporation
Limited Liability Partnership
Limited Partnership
General Partnership
By law, any information submitted electronically must remain in the fields in which it was keyed and cannot be altered by the Office of the Secretary of State. For this reason, the Office of the Secretary of State will not redact any personal information (including but not limited to Social Security Numbers, FEIN Numbers, Phone Numbers, Email Addresses, etc.).
I Attest That:
Pursuant to T.C.A. § 10-7-503, I understand that the information I enter into the online system is public information and will appear online and on copy requests exactly as I key it into the system.
This tool is not yet available for all business types. If the type of business you wish to form or register is not available in the list above, click here to download a copy of the
Electronic Form