Image Download
Please select the file you would like to download from the options below.
Download Options:
  • To download all Trademark/Servicemark images (registrations and amendments) scanned during the month specified, select one of the following:
- All Trademark/Servicemark images scanned in March. The file includes (313) pages and costs $313.00 to download.
- All Trademark/Servicemark images scanned in February. The file includes (262) pages and costs $262.00 to download.
- All Trademark/Servicemark images scanned in January. The file includes (203) pages and costs $203.00 to download.
  • To download only images scanned for new Trademark/Servicemark registrations during the month specified, select one of the following:
- New Trademark/Servicemark registration images scanned in March. The file includes (229) pages and costs $229.00 to download.
- New Trademark/Servicemark registration images scanned in February. The file includes (162) pages and costs $162.00 to download.
- New Trademark/Servicemark registration images scanned in January. The file includes (105) pages and costs $105.00 to download.

The download includes images of Trademark/Servicemark documents processed by the Tennessee Secretary of State's office in the selected month, including registration forms, as well as mark specimen and drawing documents as recieved.

The download file is a '.zip' compressed file containing the image files in '.pdf' format.