Motor Vehicle Temporary Lien Search

As of July 27, 2024 we have processed all Motor Vehicle Temporary Liens documents received in our office through July 25, 2024.

Search for general information relating to a Motor Vehicle Temporary Lien filed with the Tennessee Secretary of State, by Debtor Name or Document Number.

Please note, it can take up to 48 hours for filings received in our office to be processed and reflected in search results.

Business Name:
Individual's Last Name:
Individual's First Name:
- or -
- or -
MVTL Document #:

Please note that any search results you may obtain by using this online feature do not necessarily reflect results which would be obtained in an official search by the Division of Business Services.

Information about individual documents can be queried, viewed and printed using this search tool for free.

Click Here for MVTL search logic rules.