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Instructions to Form or Register a New Business
Who Can File Here
Anyone wishing to form or register a business entity that has not previously been registered with the Tennessee Secretary of State.
Certain registrations can be filed and paid for online (credit/debit card required), although the selection of certain options will require that documents be printed and mailed to the office of the Secretary of State.
In most cases, the option is available to print the registration information on the correct form to mail to the Secretary of State.
A check for the appropriate filing fee must be included.
What You Can Do Here
File or prepare formation documents to form a business that will be based in Tennessee.
Register or prepare documents to obtain a Certificate of Authority to transact business in Tennessee if your business was formed in another state.
service fee
may be charged if filing fees are paid online by credit or debit card.
Pursuant to T.C.A. §47-29-102 a handling charge of $30.00 or the written amount of the item, whichever is less, will be charged on returned paper checks and electronic checks.
Additional Resources
Review the small business
Tennessee Smart Start Guide