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Registered Agent Change
Who Can File Here
A Registered Agent or a representative for a business entity may file a Registered Agent Change for any business entity for which they are currently registered.
What You Can Do Here
File a Registered Agent Change
and pay the fee online. The filing fee is $20. An online
service fee
may be added to the filing fee.
Print and Mail a Registered Agent Change
form. Registered Agent Change information will be collected through the online tool, and then printed on the correct form to be mailed to the Secretary of State with payment. This option assists with the preparation of the amendment, but does not require online payment and is not charged a service fee.
Instructions for Submission
Enter the
Secretary of State Control Number
of the business entity.
Validate that the correct entity has been identified.
Indicate if the change is being made by the agent or the business entity.
Provide a registered agent name and address, as well as Secretary of State Control Number if the agent is an organization.
Provide online credit/debit card or eCheck payment of $22.25
For assistance with your Registered Agent Change please contact Business Services at (615) 741-2286 or
What You'll Need to File a Registered Agent Change
Secretary of State Control Number
Registered Agent name and address
Credit or Debit card ($20 plus a possible
service fee